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Review of recent evidence on recently endorsed procedures and adjuvant management with anti-obesity medications from the worldwide experience standpoint, including the impact and level of evidence of new 2022 ASMBS/IFSO guidelines. The session should be of great interest to clinicians at all levels of experience.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the management options with the use of Anti-Obesity Medicines and Metabolic Bariatric Surgery.
  2. Review recent Randomized Clinical Trials and implications.
  3. Learn the level of evidence and impact of the new 2022 ASMBS/IFSO guidelines.
  4. Learn the effects of obesity treatments in cardiovascular risk reduction.

1:30pm Results from the IFSO Consensus Conference on Obesity Management Medications and Metabolic/Bariatric Surgery
Gerhard Prager, MD
2:00pm Long Term Results from RCTs: Sleeve-Pass, SM-BOSS, SleeveBypass Dutch trial
Paulina Salminen, MD PhD
2:30pm Impact of YOMEGA Trial [5years results] in patient selection for OAGB vs RYGB
Helmuth T Billy, MD
3:00pm Break
3:30pm Implications of RCTs on Decision Making
Ricardo V Cohen, MD
3:55pm Level of Evidence supporting the ASMBS/IFSO 2022 Guidelines
Maurizio De Luca, MD PhD
4:20pm Uptake of the new guidelines in the US and worldwide
Jaime Ponce, MD
4:45pm Cardiovascular risk reduction: Semaglutide SELECT trial vs Metabolic Surgery
5:10pm Adjourn