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The ASMBS 2024 Annual Meeting sessions, eposters and abstracts present innovative research on the latest breakthroughs in obesity research. These sessions provide notable exposure and recognition for studies, and authors, likely to have a significant impact on obesity prevention and treatment. Abstracts submitted via the online application process are expected to contain unique study design and major trial results. ASMBS and its individual reviewers will treat data submitted as strictly confidential.

Embargo Date and Time:

All abstracts selected for oral presentation are embargoed from the time of submission until 12:00 AM ET on the date of the presentation. All abstracts selected for eposter presentation are embargoed until the eposter area opens on Tuesday, June 11th, 2024.

Embargo Policy:

Submitters, reviewers, media and attendees – and, otherwise, all individuals with access to meeting abstracts – are required to abide by the embargo policies governing the ASMBS Scientific Sessions. An embargo means that information from any abstract selected for eposter or oral presentation may not be announced, publicized, or distributed (in print, online or otherwise) before the embargo date and time, with few exceptions, as outlined below. Publication of abstract data prior to the Scientific Sessions, in print online or otherwise, is considered an embargo break and will necessitate the withdrawal of the abstract. The embargo policy will be strictly enforced.

Simultaneous Journal Publication of Manuscripts:

Simultaneous publication of manuscripts containing abstract data is permissible as long as the embargo policy of ASMBS is not compromised. If a manuscript containing abstract data has been accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal, the presenter is responsible for ensuring that the journal respects the ASMBS embargo policy. Further, we encourage ASMBS abstract submitters to submit full manuscripts to SOARD (Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases) for ease of simultaneous publication with the ASMBS embargo.

Clinical Trial Data:

Clinical trial sponsors must comply with embargo guidelines established by ASMBS. It is essential to recognize that presentations at unofficial satellite meetings or unofficial press conferences before the embargo lifts are not allowed.


ASMBS reserves the right to post abstracts to a password-protected online portal prior to the conference to assist attendees in itinerary planning. The abstracts will not be posted more than two weeks in advance of the opening day of the meeting and will be made available by login and password to registered attendees, and registered and credentialed reporters only. The abstracts posted in this portal remain under embargo as defined above.

Industry Announcements:

If required by the Securities and Exchange Commission, industry announcements are allowed and will not be considered an embargo break; however, no results or data may be revealed or implied beyond those that are required by the SEC. Closed investigator meetings for participants in the trial are also allowed. Graphics (slide or print) that contain key trial results should be kept to a minimum and not distributed. Media or other outside parties may not be invited to these events.

Questions About the ASMBS Embargo Policy?

Contact: Roger Kissin at