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This panel is a session of high end robotic bariatric surgeons who are discussing the intricacies of complex procedures. The panelist will present solutions to manage these procedures and open discussion will then ensue to learn technical approaches for success in addressing bariatric patients with robotic assistance.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the technical approaches of managing robotic duodenal switch and SADI from creation to revision and conversion.
  2. Learn the technical options of robotic gastric bypass including management and procedure steps and revisions.
  3. Be able to discuss the challenges of complex revisions and conversions in robotic bariatric surgery.
  4. Understand the use of robotic tools including robotic staplers and the potential advantages and disadvantages of these tools.

3:45pm Welcome
Erik B Wilson, MD
3:50pm Mastering Robotic Duodenal Ileostomy
Sarah Samreen, MD
4:00pm Mastering Robotic Duodenal Dissection
Rana C Pullatt, MD
4:10pm Robotic Bypass Conversion to Duodenal Switch: Why, How, and Where
Folahan K Ayoola, MD FACS FASMBS
4:20pm Robotic Revision of Sleeve to DS/SADI: Technique and Resleeve Options
Andre Teixeria, MD IFASMBS FASGE
4:30pm Reversal Techniques of Duodenal Switch: What to Reverse and Why
4:40pm Accurate Bowel Counting: Robotic or Laparoscopic?
Elizabeth Hooper, MD FACS. FASMBS Diplomate ABOM FPD-MBS
4:50pm Robotic Roux Gastric Bypass: Make the GJ First or JJ First?
Nancy G Marquez, MD
5:00pm Robotic Stapling: Does It Really Help?
Filippo Filicori, MD FACS FASMBS
5:10pm Question and Answer
5:15pm Adjourn