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The Bariatric Endoscopy Hands-On Lab, scheduled to take place at the upcoming ASMBS (American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery), promises an immersive experience in endoscopic procedures tailored to the needs of bariatric patients. This lab is designed to offer practical skills learning and development under the guidance of expert proctors in the field.

Participants will have the opportunity to engage in various endoscopic techniques, including endobariatric therapy procedures and managing complications associated with bariatric surgery. The lab will feature state-of-the-art equipment and simulation models to provide a realistic training environment.

Key components of the lab include:

  1. Endo-Bariatric Therapy Procedures Training:

    • Hands-on instruction in the latest endoscopic techniques for weight loss management, such as intragastric balloon placement, endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty, and gastric outlet reduction.
  2. Endoscopic Treatment of Bariatric Surgery Complications Training:

    • Simulation of common complications following bariatric surgery, including strictures, leaks, and fistulas.

    • Practical demonstrations of endoscopic techniques for complication management, such as stent placement, endoscopic suturing, and tissue adhesives.

  3. Expert Proctorship:

    • Seasoned bariatric endoscopists will serve as proctors, offering personalized guidance and feedback to participants throughout the lab sessions.

    • Proctors will share their insights and pearls of wisdom gleaned from years of clinical experience, enriching the educational value of the hands-on training.

  4. Interactive Learning Environment:

    • Small-group settings will facilitate interaction among participants and proctors, fostering peer learning and collaboration.

    • Case-based discussions and troubleshooting scenarios will challenge participants to apply their knowledge and skills in real-world clinical scenarios.

By participating in the Bariatric Endoscopy Hands-On Lab at the ASMBS Meeting, attendees can expect to gain confidence in performing endoscopic procedures for bariatric patients and managing associated complications effectively. This immersive educational experience promises to elevate the standard of care for patients undergoing bariatric interventions and empower practitioners to deliver optimal outcomes in this specialized field.

Limited to 25 attendees